I finally got a bit of work done on a bunch of little guys. I still have three stands (9 figures) to finish off, but that's just waiting for some glue to dry. These are all the plastic battle-suited infantry from the new box set 1 of OGRE Miniatures. I may eventually get another box set so that I can do stands of two or single figures to model attrition, but for now I plan to use casualty caps. I'd also like to get some to set up as Heavy Weapons squads, but I will need some sort of weapon for that...
I painted them up as members of a NeoSoviet Paneuropean Motor Rifle Division. They have GEV-PCs to go with them, and some armour in the form of Heavy Tanks and Mobile Howitzers. I think I have already posted photos of those. If not, I can always dig them out and snap a few.
I intentionally modeled each cluster of squads on different sorts of terrain, just for fun. The one group that hasn't been done is the urban set, because I was waiting for the glue to dry on the rubble. The hexes I used to base them are 1" across the flats, IIRC. I got them from Litko, 3mm thick. I use the same for most of the smaller vehicles.
"Swampy" - (3x3 bases)
I am going to put some gloss on the water once the dullcote dries
Plains/Grassland/Forest - generic (5x3 bases)
"Farm" I modeled little crop rows (3x3 bases)
Also, you can see a piece of Frostgrave terrain (the grate)
"Urban" (3x3 bases)
Once the glue dries on the rubble, a quick bit of paint on it and these nine will be done as well.
I left a bit of space in white on the backs of the bases to make notes like unit, Attack Strength, Range, Defense Strength, and Move. I will add those when my printer decides to act right again.
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