Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Kingston Cats"

Good Morning:

My name is Jean Jacobs and I have been an animal advocate my entire life. I have devoted a considerable amount of my time, concerned about the animals and their welfare in the City of Kingston. I am sure as you read my post today, many of you have family pets that you care about considerably and understand the peril many animals endure on the street on a daily basis.

For the last 5 years Marie Post has been the City of Kingston (Cat Warden). Through her efforts many animals have been placed in loving homes, many have been saved from a life of despair, deprivation and disease and many feral cats through the (Trap, Neuter and Return Program) were returned to their colonies to live out their lives. Marie Post resigned from her position as the City of Kingston Cat Warden in December of 2011 and currently the program is under review by the City of Kingston municipal governmental officials.

Our economical climate has been a considerable factor and families have been unable to provide for their animals, or they move to another location and leave their animal behind to fend for themselves. Many cities across America are experiencing this problem and it is up to us, the concerned citizens to become their voice and make a difference in their lives. Every day we read in the media the life saving stories of animals on the street and how our society rallies to these occasions, even putting their own life on the line.

Please join me in my Mission to work together in an effort to determine a method of control, resources and partnerships required, to manage the cat population in the City of Kingston. There are over 83 million cats in the United States and through our efforts we can empower the public by educating them and making them realize their role and responsibility as pet owners.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank You
Kingston Cats

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