Sunday, June 30, 2019

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Just about last call

You're receiving this email because you signed up as part of Bernie's campaign for president in 2016. Unsubscribe today if you do not want to receive emails from Bernie 2020.

Friends -

With the clock winding down toward midnight, here's the truth about tonight's FEC fundraising deadline:

  • Our opponents are bringing in tons of money at high-dollar fundraising events, and we may be out-raised.
  • Our campaign is aiming for an unprecedented goal of individual donations in order to keep pace.
  • If Bernie can count on you to chip in right now, we'll get there.

Add your $2.70 donation ahead of tonight's FEC deadline. This one is important.

When we file our numbers after this deadline, our campaign will be measured against others who are collecting $2,800 max-out checks from wealthy campaign contributors.

They might raise more money. That's all right. We have something they don't have, and that is a powerful grassroots movement that is ready to transform our country.

There's only one way we win – and that is together. So we need to ask:

Can you contribute $2.70 to our campaign before midnight tonight? Any amount you can give will make a difference.

Thank you for standing with Bernie.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie


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Not great

You're receiving this email because you signed up as part of Bernie's campaign for president in 2016.

Unsubscribe today if you do not want to receive emails from Bernie 2020.

Friends -

First, the good news:

This campaign is funded by a record number of contributions made by people of all backgrounds and from all communities — almost all small donations in the pursuit of big change.

Now, the bad news:

Last campaign, our average contribution was $27. You know that. This campaign, it's significantly less. About $16 this month.

So what that means is we need A LOT more contributions before tonight's FEC fundraising deadline ends at midnight. That's the only way we can close the gap with our opponents begging for money at high-dollar fundraisers.

So we're asking:

Can Bernie count on you to make a $2.70 contribution to help us close the gap before our FEC fundraising deadline ends at midnight?

You should be very proud of the way we are funding this campaign. Thanks for answering the call today. It's an important day for our campaign.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir


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Raising money is awful

Tonight, our campaign faces an important challenge.

You're receiving this email because you signed up as part of Bernie's campaign for president in 2016.

Unsubscribe today if you do not want to receive emails from Bernie 2020.

Friends -

Raising money is one of the worst parts of having to run for office in this country. The outrageous sums it takes to run and win elections in the United States is one of the reasons Congress doesn't regulate corporate America, but corporate America regulates Congress.

I am proud of the way our campaign raises its money. You should be too. We don't have a super PAC, and I am not relying on millionaires and billionaires for money. This campaign is funded by lots of people giving small amounts of money, each with a unique reason to give, all of whom have had enough of the billionaire class buying our elections.

Tonight, our campaign faces an important challenge — the first official FEC fundraising deadline with a full slate of candidates. So, I need to just come right out and ask directly:

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign before tonight's FEC fundraising deadline comes to a close? We would not ask if it were not so important.

Today, virtually no piece of legislation can get passed unless it has the okay from corporate America — and that is because corporate America funds almost every other campaign in this race.

But not ours.

In solidarity,



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